Saturday, June 14, 2008

My cousin

The following is a deep thought by Lisa. Enjoy!

I had a cousin I was very close to, and he loved getting into trouble. I on the other hand, liked being around him, and letting him receive all the punishment, and I acted innocent. I believe he was a true friend in my formative years. I loved his laugh, and the way he would make me laugh, every ten seconds. As we grew up, naturally, we grew apart. He moved and made different choices than I would have. When my grandma died last December, I saw him again. It had been 10 years since we had seen each other, and I couldn't believe how seeing and talking to him, made me miss our friendship.

Of course we vowed we wouldn't let time pass as we had, to keep in touch, and we haven't spoken since. I don't really know how we would talk to each other. It's not that a connection isn't there, it's that our lives are too different. In the Bible, there is a verse that says,(and I am paraphrasing, because I am too tired to look it up) when I was younger I played with young toys. Now that I am older I put away childish things. I believe that our friendship, no matter what happens to us, will always be special. Now, probably isn't the right time to develop a relationship of that magnatude. At least it isn't for me.

I have thought about our conversation at the funeral, and I will always keep the memory of him being the last person saying goodbye to my percious grandma before the casket was closed. I think someday, maybe someday soon, we might be friends again. I don't know if we would get into trouble like we did in the past, but maybe he would still make me laugh.


Marla said...

That was great! You are a great writer. Thanks for sharing that story. I think, what childish things do I need to put away? Well..... JK
Thanks for sharing!!

Marla said...

I want to hear from you!!

Marla said...

I am still waiting!!

Marla said...

I keep checking! I am hoping there will be something soon. Post some pics of your place. Then I can know where you live!!